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Admission into Foundation 1 (Nursery)

Nursey Places in our F1 unit are allocated by the school. Children will be allocated an F1 place in the September, January or April following their 3rd birthday. If you would like to register your child for a place please contact the school office on 01709 740500.  Places are allocated in order of registration, therefore it is important to register your child onto the waiting list as soon as possible. We are able to offer 15 hours for all children, however if you are eligible for 30 hours, you can access all 30 hours childcare with us and your child will be able to attend full time. 

To check if you are eligible for this funding or for further information, please click on this link:


Admission into Foundation 2 (Reception)

Children will be allocated a full time F2 place at the beginning of the Autumn term following their 4th birthday (Children must be aged 4 by 31st August prior to this.)


To apply for a school place in F2 to Y6, please visit Rotherham MBC - Apply for a school place. (update and check link)

Admission from Years 1 to 6

Our intake limit is 30 children for each year group. If that number has not been reached there is every likelihood that your child will be admitted to the school.


A child's academic ability has no bearing on whether or not he or she is admitted. The parents should then take Local Authority advice. You may also wish to discuss any number of issues with our Governing Body. Our Chair of Governors is Richard Punshon, and our Parent Governors can be contacted via the school.


Children leave for secondary education at the end of the school year in which they become eleven years of age (i.e. the end of Year 6). The majority of our children go on to Winterhill School, further information can be found at


To apply for a school place in F2 to Y6, please visit Rotherham MBC - Apply for a school place.

Admission agreement consultation changes​


Admission agreement 25-26


Changes made to the Admission agreement include

  • ​Removing information that parents do not need to consider making the agreement more user friendly

  • Adding within the Admission criteria provision during application for twins, triplets or siblings born in the same academic year to be treated as equals

  • PAN (Published Admission Numbers) numbers highlighted under appendix 1 to cover all schools within the trust. 


The agreement will go back to consultation if and when any changes are made otherwise this is automatically reviewed every 7 years. 

  • Next consultation review date: September 2030

Admissions Documents

Admissions Agreement


Admissions Agreement


Admissions Agreement


Admission Application 

Jan 25

Admissions Appeal

Admission Information

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