About Our School
Welcome to Meadow View Primary School
I am so incredibly proud to be welcoming you to our school website. Hopefully, by viewing this website, you will get an insight into life at Meadow View Primary school and see how proud we are to serve our community.
At Meadow View we firmly believe in growing healthiness, happiness and lifelong success. We grow healthiness by proactively encouraging children to recognise, talk about and manage their emotions and mental health and wellbeing, building resilience and encouraging children to recognise when support might need to be sought. We directly teach children about the functions of the brain and coping mechanisms they can use when faced with challenges and problems to solve. We grow healthiness by supporting and encouraging children to lead physically active lives and realise the importance of this, through providing a range of activities, sporting activities and fun physical breaktimes. We grow lifelong success through ensuring pupils achieve academically, socially, emotionally and spiritually by aspiring to be the best they can be, developing passion and enthusiasm for learning and prioritising our 3 school rules of aim high, be safe and be kind.
We are passionate about education and making the primary years as magical and enriching as we can. Reading is of high priority at Meadow View, with children being immersed in rich modern and classical texts that represent our community and curriculum. We recognise that reading is not only the gateway to magical lands and thrilling adventures but also enriched vocabulary, broad subject matter and emotional intelligence ultimately leading to higher attaining pupils.
We are so lucky to have a very modern school building and grounds which are well kept and inviting. We have incredible staff that always go the extra mile and keep the children close to their hearts. As soon as you enter the building you will feel the warmth and see that we are a happy place to work and learn. Children at our school will have opportunities to: use our forest school, explore pond life, go on regular visits out of school, play in school sports teams, engage in a wide range of clubs and extra-curricular activities, go grass sledging, attend an overnight residential, perform in shows, contribute to our community, go swimming, experience playing a musical instrument, enjoy watching annual pantomimes and performances and much, much more!
Our forest school is an extra learning space available for all children to learn about and respect nature and the natural world, learn about wildlife and how to care for it and learn about the benefits of being outdoors and how it keeps us healthy. All children regularly engage in Forest School activities building their, resilience, communication abilities, independence and teamwork.
We are proud of our school and the diverse community we serve and consider the range of cultures, viewpoints and beliefs as a real strength of ours, celebrating our similarities and differences and respecting each other. We are well supported by our fabulous families, a wonderful community and active governing body.
Visits to the school are warmly welcomed and encouraged. Please contact the school Office on 01709 740500 to arrange a suitable time.
I hope you find all of the information required and if we have not already met, I look forward to meeting you soon and hopefully welcoming you as a member of our Meadow View Family.